Raumfahrt - Israel startet Ofeq 11 Satelliten von Palmachim Airbase


Senior level Israeli security official: “Things are not working as we expected”

Mere hours following the Ofeq 11 satellite launch from Palmachim Airbase, Israeli security establishment officials suspect that several of the satellite’s crucial systems are not properly functioning. “A satellite’s first hours are always difficult,” a senior level official said. “There are indications that things are not working as we expected.”

image descriptionThe satellite launch earlier today Photo Credit: Space Manager at Maf’at, Defense Ministry/Channel 2 News

As reported earlier today (Tuesday) by JOL News (JerusalemOnline), the new Ofeq 11 reconnaissance satellite was launched from Palmachim Airbase. Israeli security establishment officials are paying very close attention to the data the satellite is transmitting back to Israel. At this point, the emerging picture is bleak as it seems that several of the satellite’s crucial systems are not functioning properly.

Just mere hours following the launch, officials received the first indications regarding the satellite’s condition. “A satellite’s first hours are always difficult,” said a senior level Israeli security establishment official. “There are indications that things are not working as we expected, but we are working on them.”

With that being said, the Israeli security establishment reported that the satellite has entered its planned path and is currently orbiting Earth. They hope that the new and most advanced satellite Israel has built to date will join the country’s fleet of reconnaissance satellites.

Quelle: JOL


Ofek-11 surveillance satellite successfully launched into space

Most advanced Israeli spy satellite enters orbit, but technical issues interrupt steady communications • Ofek-11 is an all-weather satellite • Aerospace experts cautiously optimistic, say they are still trying to stabilize satellite's systems.

Lilach Shoval and Ilan Gattegno
The launch of the Ofek-11 satellite, Tuesday  
 Photo credit: Defense Ministry's Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure 
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